What do we do?
Polish Abroad Saturday School
Polish Abroad
Polish Anglers NI

Polish Abroad

Jeśli nie Ty ….to kto? Jeśli nie teraz ….to kiedy? Jeśli nie razem….to z kim?

Polish Abroad is a non-profit community group established in 2008. The aims of POLISH ABROAD are to: – Contribute to the advancement of citizenship and community development through social, cultural and educational projects undertaken either independently or together with organisations sharing the same objectives. – Work in partnership with other community and charity organisations, their representatives and officials as well as other relevant organisations and agencies to formulate and implement constructive strategies to encourage the promotion of the Polish Community in the North West of Northern Ireland. – Raise awareness among the wider community of the needs and rights and the contribution of the Polish Community in the interest of community relations in the North West. – Bring together members of the Polish community to develop and advance their arts, culture and heritage. – Advance the education of the Polish Community in the North West by providing educational opportunities. – Advance the amateur sport among the Polish Community in the North West and its environs.